It’s difficult to talk about climate change without a touch of desperation. The news we hear is grim. From failed talks, to extreme warming events in our seas, species in danger, floods, droughts and crop failures. The world is indeed in peril.
But slowly this harsh reality is beginning to be tempered with stories of hope. We hear now about activities to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The latest Zwazo – number 22 – brings you some of these stories.
The end of year even came with a ray of light from the climate talks in Cancún, Mexico. For although progress was not made on emissions reductions, there was still enough steps forward to warrant optimism for the next round of talks in South Africa. These talks it is hoped will finally nail down a globally binding agreement on long term actions to address climate change.
Outcomes from Cancún such as REDD+, which is a deal to protect tropical forests, the Cancún Adaptation Framework, which was established to enhance action in adaptation, and financing adaptation and mitigation through the establishment of the Green Climate Fund, were widely applauded.
With regards to biodiversity and climate change, many steps are being taken at home and in the region to help species and ecosystems respond to climate change. We bring you some of these stories.
Some of them have been engineered by ourselves such as the project to re-stock dead corals in selected sites in Seychelles and to make the nature reserve we manage carbon neutral. We hope these steps will inspire others to respond with more action.
Concern has also been raised about the effects of climate change and its impacts food security in the Seychelles. We highlight Seychelles response in this issue.
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