Our work

We undertake integrated activities aligned with our vision, mission, and objectives.
Our approach is multi-stakeholder and result-oriented, demonstrated through various impactful programs. Our past portfolio includes the implementation of successful medium to large donor-funded projects including two Global Environment Facility (GEF) medium sized projects, components of several other large national GEF projects, and coral reef restoration funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for ten years. We are now executing the Adaptation Fund and UNDP regional coral reef restoration project with Mauritius, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and IUCN regional LEAP project, the European Union funded Wetlands Project and the IUCN/Huawei Tech 4 Nature project for Seychelles.
We are active participants in government initiatives spanning various sectors, including blue economy, fisheries, tourism, and agriculture. In this way, we have been able to make a meaningful contribution to national projects, policy formulation, and legislation.
We manage Cousin Island Special Reserve, a world-recognised nature reserve, which has won several accolades and acclamations for protected area management and as a popular ecotourism destination. We also manage the Sanctuary at Roche Caiman, an urban wetland and popular edutainment site near Victoria.
Through research, we are finding solutions for endangered species conservation, investigating the impacts of invasive alien species and assisting with their eradication, and restoring natural habitats particularly those impacted by Climate Change. We partner with international organizations, scientific groups, and universities.
Over the course of our history, we have been involved in some of the most inspiring conservation success stories around the globe. Among them are efforts to stop bird extinctions and save sea turtles. From a coconut plantation, Cousin Island has been restored to its original diversity of habitats. Nature Seychelles has since restored other islands as a result.
We invest time and resources in training. We develop specialised training across the various demographics. In addition to producing educational and curriculum resources, we provide capacity building for teachers and other practitioners, and facilitate educational activities and training. Our projects promote “learning by doing.” On Cousin Island, we ran the highly successful and innovative Conservation Boot Camp prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our aim is to get local people more involved in natural resource conservation and management in Seychelles. Through the Locally Empowered Area Protection (LEAP) Project, we have pioneered co-management under the new nature reserve and conservancy act.
Through membership on various committees, public forums, and legislative influence, we advocate for sound environmental management. We disseminate public information through the media, lectures, and publications. We have nurtured conservation partnerships with local and international NGOs, island owners, government agencies, the private sector, and other organisations.