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High level environmental body set up, Shah named chair


President James Michel has announced the appointment of Dr Nirmal Jivan Shah as Chair of the National Environmental Advisory Council (NEAC). The NEAC is established under the Environment Protection Act of Seychelles. The functions of the Council as per the law, include considering any matter affecting the quality of the environment and reporting to the Minister, and advising the Minister on the state of the environment and make recommendations regarding actions and measures for environmental protection and for improvement of the quality of the environment.

The other members of the Council are to be named by the President shortly. It is to be noted that under a new piece of legislation – S.I. 76 of 2014 – the President accepted the resignation of Professor Rolph Payet and has taken over the portfolio responsibility for the Environment and Energy for the time being.


Nirmal Shah to head “high level” environmental body

(Today Newspaper 08 November 2014) President Michel confirmed yesterday during the fourth meeting of the National Consultative Forum the creation of the National Environment Advisory Council which will be headed by the CEO of Nature Seychelles. Seychelles has been without a Minister of Environment since the departure of Professor Ralph Payet for Geneva last month. Other news to emerge from the meeting is that the Ministry of Educationwill be submitting an Education Strategic Plan to Cabinet. “The Forum expressed its general support for the Education Strategic Plan, but advised that the educational reform should be pursued with vigour, and that the plan should remain flexible to the changing needs to the world of work,” a statement said.