The Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii or Dyanman Roz in Creole has a very wide distribution around the world but almost everywhere it occurs, populations are declining.
Many breeding colonies in Seychelles have been lost through the introduction of predators (rats and cats), collection of eggs by humans or habitat change. Now only one large colony remains, on Aride Island. Here, they have been threatened by introduced Barn Owls killing the adults. Breeding success is very variable, depending on the food supply (Small fish) available during the breeding season (May – August). Climate change could affect the number of fish available while the birds are rearing their young.
No one knows where Aride’s Roseate Terns spend September to April when they are not breeding.
Scientific name: Sterna dougallii (race arideensis)
Creole name: Dyanman Roz
Wingspan: 72 – 80 cm
Population in the Seychelles: Breeding population of about 1,600 pairs in Seychelles; 1,200 of these are on the granitic islands (Aride)
World distribution: Worldwide in warmer oceans, also western Europe and North America
Distribution in Seychelles: The largest colony breeds on Aride, with small populations on two of the Amirante Islands
Nest: Nests on the ground in big colonies. One or two eggs laid.
Diet: Fish
Identification: In breeding season, underside white or pink, beak red cap black. When not breeding, bill black and cap black only behind the eyes.
See more:
Species Fact Sheet at BirdLife Data Zone
(Photo credit: Frankie Hobro)