The seventh issue of the Seychelles Seabirds Group newsletter is out and is available for download. This issue contains a follow-up article on the breeding of Black-naped Terns on St. François atoll in the southern Amirantes; information on a new experiment to start soon on Bird Island with Sooty Terns being equipped with geo-locators and the preparation of a new area on Cousine Island for the next Sooty Tern breeding season. Cousin Island presents its latest seabird survey results and Aride Island highlights some of the latest news on seabirds.
The Seychelles Seabird Group was formed in 2002 to facilitate the sustainable management and conservation of seabird resources in Seychelles. It comprises owners and managers of globally recognized IBAs (Important Bird Areas) and nationally important seabird sites. Our main role is to work collaboratively to: Gain national perspective; Prioritise seabird research and monitoring on a national level; Coordinate all seabird research and monitoring; Utilise standardised methods to ensure the comparability of data; Ensure priority seabird work is undertaken; and Use information collected to direct future research.