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Its got an awful smell…..but has multiple curative applications..

I did a double take as I was strolling down the supermarket aisle not too long ago because I had seen a strange product on the shelf. Noni juice the label screamed from a row of plastic bottles. This was the first time I had seen Noni juice being offered for sale in Seychelles. But the juice is made from a plant that grows wild in many parts of Seychelles and is used in traditional medicine.

Noni juice is made from the fruit of bwa torti, whose scientific name is Morinda citrifolia.  The fruit itself smells of “a combination of old shoes and the worst French cheese” in the words of local Wardens on Cousin island where the bushy tree makes up a substantial part of the forest. But the juice does not smell and has been attributed with many healing properties from curing back aches to preventing cancer.

Bwa torti juice has thousands of users. John’s Hopkins trained physician Niel Solomon, MD, PhD, is a world expert on the healing properties of  the juice and has performed hundreds of hours of research  on the benefits of bwa torti juice. His work and that of others indicate that the juice is beneficial for almost 30 separate health conditions.

Bwa torti juice is supposed to alleviate arthritis, hypertension, inflammation, pain, cancer, tuberculosis, regeneration of new cells and the repair of sick ones. While much of the work remains outside conventional medical circles, the research does show the successful use of the juice as a natural supplement to help strengthen the body and promote better health.

In fact, Noni juice is included in the 2007 edition of the Physician’s Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements (PDR). The PDR is a comprehensive reference guide for use by the medical community in the United States, and includes a list of the most commonly used over-the-counter drugs and supplements.  The PDR details some of the benefits of Noni juice as: “antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, analgesic and immune modulating  …”

Dee Brown, a former  NBA basketball player and professional coach and now an ESPN staff  swears by the juice  which he says helped him get over  the pain after knee surgery. The references listed in the PDR for physicians to inform themselves further on Noni juice include research results that demonstrate the juice decreasing total cholesterol levels.

In Seychelles, bwa torti fruit is prescribed for pain, blood, pressure and rheumatism. So, the next time the local bonom dibwa offers you bwa torti juice to cure some ailment would you try it? [ENDS]