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Nature Seychelles at #birdlife100 World Congress

Nirmal Shah Mike Rands
(Photo: Dr. Shah is pictured here with Dr. Mike Rands, the new Chair of BirdLife International, Congress. Mike was the long-time CEO of BirdLife.)

Our Chief Executive Dr. Nirmal Shah is in Cambridge UK for the BirdLife100 World Congress, which is from 11-16 September. BirdLife celebrates its centennial this year. The congress brings together the global BirdLife partnership, which currently works in 115 countries.

This is the largest partnership for nature in the world covering all continents, landscapes, and seascapes. Nature Seychelles has been BirdLife Partner in Seychelles since 2002.

In fact, Seychelles’ longest, unbroken partnership with an international environmental NGO has been with BirdLife International. BirdLife has had a permanent presence in Seychelles since 1968. Then known as the International Council for Bird Preservation – ICBP) its relationship with Seychelles formally started in 1968 with the purchase of Cousin Island, although research and other activities had begun prior to that time. On Cousin Island, only 26 Seychelles warblers survived. ICBP’s purchase of the island was instrumental in saving this bird as well as introducing modern conservation practices in Seychelles.

Africa parterhsip meeting

The Africa partnership met to strategise for the next 10 years

A century ago, visionary conservationists concerned about the plight of the world’s birds and the wider environment came together to form an international movement. Rooted in the foundations of a handful of campaigning national organizations, it steadily gathered momentum, spread its wings, and eventually evolved into a powerful global voice for nature. 

The Congress has a fantastic program including celebration events, networking opportunities, workshops, field excursions, and award ceremonies.

To read about BirdLife’s special relationship with Seychelles follow this link: