Island partnership aids environmental learning

A new range of books, posters and DVDs to guide Seychellois students through the wonders of the country’s unique environment will be in classrooms soon thanks to a public-private partnership deal signed yesterday at Nature Seychelles’ Roche Caiman environment centre.

Reaching out for necessary knowledge

A brief online tour of Google Earth, or a flick through any atlas will quickly give you some vital information about Seychelles: the country is a long, long way from anywhere else. Hundreds of kilometres from our nearest island neighbours and the African mainland, the specks in the Indian Ocean that are Seychelles have been equally blessed and cursed by their remoteness.

The watery expanse between Seychelles and Africa has allowed unique ecosystems to develop on the islands, species unseen anywhere else in the world allowed to evolve in a relatively secure and secluded environment.

Malaria in Seychelles Birds

Diseases of wildlife are quite suddenly on everyone’s mind. Epidemics like SARS, Bird Flu, and others have brought forward to the world’s agenda the importance of studying diseases that could be passed from animals to humans.

Islands are the best places to live says new survey

Seychelles is often compared to other countries in terms of  national income measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or health statistics or trading volumes.. Now a survey, conducted by the New Economics Foundation and the environmental group Friends of the Earth, found that Seychelles is 30th in an innovative ranking of 178 countries.

Our History

Since 1998.

Seychelles Nature, Green HealthClimate Change, Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainability Organisation

@CousinIsland Manager


Roche Caiman, Mahe


We accept donations. Your support and generosity help us continue with our work in nature conservation in Seychelles. Email nature@seychelles.netdonate

Contact Us

Centre for Environment & Education

Roche Caiman,

P.O. Box 1310, Mahe, Seychelles

Tel:+ 248 2519090
