Frontline first aid for first class tourism trip

Cousin Island Special Reserve is more ready than ever to welcome eco-tourists and scientists thanks to a recent two day first aid training course for all of the island’s conservation staff.
Run by the Red Cross, the training session was held at the Island Conservation Centre, Praslin, where the Cousin Island Wardens and other Nature Seychelles staff were put through their paces in a series of medical emergency role-playing exercises.
The first aid course – a refresher exercise for most of the staff, but a new experience for some – focused on how to give frontline CPR and deal with general medical emergencies, such as broken bones, bleeding and heart attacks.

By-catch commitment wins environmental backing

The latest commitment by Indian Ocean industrial fisheries managers to curb levels of by-catch has been warmly welcomed by Nature Seychelles and other environmental groups which have been campaigning for improvements in fishing techniques to cut non-target species fatalities.

Mangroves on the Move

A major international initiative to channel support into coastal ecosystem projects has taken a crucial step forward with the first meeting of the six countries and numerous international organisations involved in a new initiative entitled the “Mangroves for the Future” (MFF). The meeting took place at the UNDP headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand.

Our History

Since 1998.

Seychelles Nature, Green HealthClimate Change, Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainability Organisation

@CousinIsland Manager


Roche Caiman, Mahe


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Contact Us

Centre for Environment & Education

Roche Caiman,

P.O. Box 1310, Mahe, Seychelles

Tel:+ 248 2519090
