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Scientific Papers Database

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Conservation Boot Camp Magazine


Experiences from the field on Nature Seychelles’ unique and exclusive Conservation Boot Camp program on Cousin Island Special Reserve, Seychelles


International and Regional Documents


Public domain international and regional papers that offer a global perspective on common and shared issues


National Documents


Master plans, Strategies and documents related to Seychelles’ policy and planning


Nature Seychelles


Organisational papers, for staff and program participants


Scientific Papers


Nature Seychelles, partners’ and other published scientific papers in PDF format. Note that these papers have been made available to Nature Seychelles by their authors and have been made publicly available to the extent that any applicable copyrights are respected by those who download them. Copies of papers downloaded may be used for educational and non-commercial purposes only and may not be reproduced or circulated.  


Seychelles Environment Laws


Seychelles environmental Laws and documents related to the laws


Species Action Plans


Species Action Plans for priority (bird) species in the Seychelles


Zwazo Magazines and SSG Newsletters


Zwazo magazines and newsletters