What will september bring?

The end of the August green health challenge is just the beginning of a healthy lifestyle.

“I finished my August with a walk last night that included a buzzard flying over our house, bat watching, a beautiful crescent moon and a lovely glow from the setting sun. What will September bring?” That was a comment by Fran Collins a fan of Nature Seychelles Green Health facebook page. Her comment was in reaction to the just ended August Green Health Challenge.

Nature Seychelles Green Health program posted daily challenges for the entire month of August, such as marveling at, appreciating or giving back to nature and walking, exercising or relaxing in nature. The August challenge also included nutritional activities like drinking healthy juices or herbal teas, and buying as well as eating local organic foods, fruits and cuisines.

“Nowadays people in Seychelles like to have the luxury from the western world but they don’t see how bad that can be,” says Elsa De Geus, another facebook fan. “We like artificial and toxic drinks such as coca cola, redbull and smirnoff while we have such nice precious fruits around us.”

Nature Seychelles’ eco health coordinator and green yoga instructor designed the challenge to encourage people to live healthier and happier by connecting with nature.

Spending time by the beach, in a wooded area, at the park or even in our garden has been proven to greatly improve health. In a research carried out by the Children and Nature Network (www.childrenandnature.org/research) the study ‘Health benefits to children from contact with the outdoors and nature’ shows that nature is vital for a child’s wholesome development. According to the report, “Green environments are essential to human health” and “Nature provides a variety of mental health and well-being benefits.”

Even as researchers and scientists continue to collect proof that nature has immense health benefits, the knowledge that spending time in nature improves our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing is an instinctual intelligence. It is a natural reaction to spend time outside to try and deal with stress, anxiety or a glum mood.

In responding to Fran Collins’ question on what will September bring, Nature Seychelles Green Health program will continue to encourage people to be healthier and happier by connecting with nature with regular green yoga classes offered at The Sanctuary in Roche Caiman.

The green health program will continue to share ideas on enriching people’s well-being on its green health blog and facebook page 

Green health blog: www.greenhealthseychelles.wordpress.com

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NatureSeychellesGreenHealth



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Since 1998.

Seychelles Nature, Green HealthClimate Change, Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainability Organisation

@CousinIsland Manager

Facebook: http://goo.gl/Q9lXM

Roche Caiman, Mahe


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Centre for Environment & Education

Roche Caiman,

P.O. Box 1310, Mahe, Seychelles

Tel:+ 248 2519090

Email: nature@seychelles.net